“The child can change the heart of men.”
Maria Montessori

All learning begins in wonder.
A child’s first encounter with the wonder of creation is in the family, and a child’s first and final school is the home.
Soon children begin to reach for experiences beyond the home and family.

Montessori's Catholic Anthropology
We strive to authentically embody Maria Montessori’s methods by honoring the distinctively Catholic anthropology at the foundation of Maria Montessori’s insights. The Montessori method, stripped of Montessori’s spiritual vision, is not a full realization of what Montessori intended.

St. Albert the Great Preschool
Our preschool environment is designed for ages 3-6 with rooms that provide beautiful, peaceful spaces for children to pursue their natural desire for learning. They are guided by teachers who are filled with the wonder and joy of working alongside young children. Our approach balances the children’s developing imagination and powers of abstraction with concrete, hands-on materials. Children “work with materials, rather than play with toys.” Each material is presented in a structured sequence designed for discovery, understanding, logic, and reason. By surrounding children with what is true, good, and beautiful, they develop order, coordination, concentration, and independence in a joyful and peaceful environment.

Practical Life & Sensorial Work
The exercises of Practical Life resemble the simple work of life in the home: sweeping, dusting, washing dishes, etc. These purposeful activities help the child adapt to his new community, learn self-control and begin to see himself as contributing to his school community. His intellect grows as he works with his hands; his personality becomes integrated as body and mind functioning as one. The lessons are categorized into areas of self-care, care of the environment, control of movement, and grace & courtesy.
Sensorial materials help the child to classify and clarify the knowledge and motor skills they already possess from their experiences and impressions in the world. The materials are created to be systematic, logical, and sequential.



Geography, Nature Studies, and Science

Art, Music, Physical Education, and Catechesis of the Good Shepherd further enrich our program.

An invitation to visit us.
Give your child a GREAT beginning at St. Albert the Great Preschool!