Wonder leads to knowledge.
Knowledge leads to Truth.
Truth sets us free to be who God created us to be.

The Foundation of Our Academic Program

St. Albert the Great students learn to write well, read well, and think well in a program that emphasizes classical learning and values moral formation as part of the learning process in all subject areas. Our academic program follows standards laid out by the NYS Department of Education and benchmarks of a Catholic Liberal Education which sets us apart in our Catholic identity and academic rigor. Our students are prepared well socially and intellectually for higher levels of learning. Our teachers guide students from all different abilities to achieve their highest potential by respecting the natural development of children.  As witnesses to Gospel truths, our teachers foster a culture of joy in learning, confidence in ability, and love of neighbor. Parents grasp the value of this deeply human formation that nurtures the souls, not just the minds, of their children. 

  • Preschool

  • Kindergarten - Sixth Grade

Faith Formation

We bring the greatest truths to the youngest children. Our faith formation for Preschool through second grade is rooted in Dr. Maria Montessori’s teachings of “Catechesis of the Good Shepherd”. We give children the opportunity to work with concrete materials, hear the Word of God through Scripture and have time to contemplate the deepest truths of our faith in a beautiful and well prepared Atrium. Our older students dive more deeply with the program Spirit of Truth. As a community we participate in the sacramental life together and pray together.


Music, Art, and Physical Education are integral parts of the development of the whole child and are offered at all grade levels. Technology is introduced in the upper grades with a respect and understanding of how to establish good practices to enhance learning. Library time is essential to instill a love of reading, support classroom instruction, and provide a peaceful area to read, write, and reflect. Our well rounded program brings the true, the good, and the beautiful into all learning

Moral Formation

Guiding students to grow in virtue is integral to their moral formation and to the Christian culture in our school. At. St. Albert’s we incorporate “Virtues in Practice” into all learning. Teachers reinforce these virtues with lessons and by example so that students can live them out at home, with their peers, and in the community. We teach our students to respect and uphold the dignity of all people.

Before and After Care Program

St. Albert’s offers before and after school care that is purposeful and intentional to support and reinforce the lessons learned throughout the school day while offering a fun and relaxed environment to play in.